A tragic incident occurred at Disneyland on June 5 when long-time employee Bonnye Mavis Lear, Club 33 Membership Manager, suffered a fatal accident in a backstage area of the park. Lear, 60, fell from a moving golf cart and struck her head, resulting in critical injuries. Despite being rushed to a local hospital in Anaheim, she sadly passed away on June 7.

Anaheim Police and Fire Rescue were alerted to the scene at 11:30 AM, following a traffic collision involving the golf cart. According to Anaheim Police spokesperson Sgt. Jonathan McClintock, Lear was thrown from the vehicle after grasping a handrail that gave way due to a bump in the road. The speed at which the golf cart was traveling, reportedly at least 20 mph, exacerbated the severity of the incident.

Disneyland Resort President Ken Potrock expressed his condolences, stating, “We are heartbroken by the loss of Bonnye and offer our sincere condolences to everyone who cared for her. At this time, we are focused on supporting her family and our cast members through this tragic event and making sure they have the resources they need.”

Friends and colleagues described Lear as one of the kindest individuals they had ever met, with many paying tribute to her on social media. Disney California Adventures cast member Rae Delgado highlighted the severe nature of Lear’s injuries, which included a fractured skull and brain swelling. Delgado also called for justice and voiced concerns about management allegedly asking cast members to remain silent about the details of the accident.

This tragic incident adds to the list of unfortunate occurrences at Disney theme parks that serve as reminders of the risks involved, even in the happiest place on earth. The Anaheim Police are continuing their investigation to uncover more details about the collision.

We invite you to share your thoughts and memories of Bonnye Mavis Lear in the comments below. How should theme parks ensure the safety of their cast members? Your insights and stories help foster a community of support and shared experiences. Please join the conversation and don’t hesitate to share this story with others to keep the discussion going.

For further details, you can read the full coverage on [The Orange County Register](https://www.ocregister.com/2024/06/08/club-33-manager-dies-in-tragic-disneyland-accident/).