In an unexpected turn of events during a recent performance of Fantasmic! at Disneyland, Mickey Mouse once again found himself amid sparks and flames. As the beloved magician of the show, Mickey is typically surrounded by dramatic stage lights and mist, but this time, he was also engulfed in fireworks that did not stop when expected.

Fantasmic! has been a staple at Disneyland since its debut in 1992, offering a mesmerizing blend of fireworks, water effects, and pyrotechnics. The show takes audiences on a journey through Mickey Mouse’s imagination, featuring classic heroes and formidable villains. Despite its long-standing popularity, Fantasmic! has faced a few incidents, most notably in April 2023, when the Maleficent animatronic caught on fire, leading to minor inhalation injuries for six cast members. The recent mishap was fortunately not as severe, but it did raise concerns about performer safety.

During the latest performance, as Mickey was making his way up a set of stairs, fireworks unexpectedly erupted from his hands, surrounding him with sparks. The skilled performer adeptly managed to avoid harm by extending their arms and quickly reaching the top of the stairs, although the usual timing of the fireworks was disrupted. Remarkably, no injuries were reported, and the show continued seamlessly.

The TikTok user @bibbidibobbidibalyson shared a video of the incident, which was met with relief and gratitude from fans thankful that Mickey did not go up in flames. Some comments from purported insiders suggested that such malfunctions, although alarming, are not entirely uncommon. They also highlighted the presence of tech cast members who control the pyrotechnics and can sometimes accidentally set off effects too early.

This incident has rekindled discussions about performer safety and the broader issue of fire-related mishaps at Disney parks. From minor fires at attractions like “It’s a Small World” due to fireworks debris to more significant blazes, like the tree fire near Sleeping Beauty Castle, Disney has had its share of fire-related incidents over the years. Despite these challenges, Disneyland continues to captivate its audience with its resilience and commitment to magical experiences.

What are your thoughts on this incident at Disneyland’s Fantasmic!? Have you witnessed any unexpected events during your visits? Share your thoughts in the comments and feel free to share this story with fellow Disney fans!

Source: Inside the Magic