A day at Disneyland Resort is meant to whisk visitors away from the worries of daily life, offering a world filled with thrilling rides and beloved characters. Unfortunately, for one visitor, Jessenia Diaz, 26, instead of skipping through fantasy lands, reality struck hard. A video of her arrest, which unfolded in front of her two young children, has gone viral, casting a shadow over the happiest place on earth.

Anaheim police say Diaz entered the park without purchasing tickets for her children, a claim they insist is not her first offense. However, Diaz disputes this narrative. In now-deleted TikTok videos, she claims she holds a Disneyland Magic Key annual pass and had indeed paid for the tickets. These tickets, she asserts, were taken during her arrest, along with her phone. She’s now gearing up for a legal battle with Disneyland, with promises to reveal more details on TikTok, stating the park has “twisted” the facts.

Disneyland’s current policy allows children under the age of three to enjoy the parks for free. However, the moment kids celebrate their third birthday, they need their own ticket, which is just slightly cheaper than an adult ticket. Given that ticket prices can surpass $100 a day, it’s not unheard of for parents to misrepresent their children’s ages. The absence of a verification system enables such fibs, making it challenging for cast members to differentiate if a child is indeed under three.

Police allege that last week’s incident marked the fourth time Diaz tried to evade paying for her children within two months. Reportedly, she pushed past the turnstiles at Disney California Adventure, prompting security personnel to track her down. They caught up with her near the far end of the park.

While it hasn’t been officially reported if Diaz faces a ban from Disneyland, it is highly likely given the circumstances. Moreover, her Magic Key annual pass is probably revoked. The broader ramifications of her lawsuit remain to be seen, but Disneyland has successfully navigated legal battles before. Recently, they won a case where a couple, stripped of their Club 33 membership for alleged intoxication, spent $400,000 fighting the decision.

This story continues to develop, and we’d love to hear your thoughts. Comment below and share your take on this unfolding drama at Disneyland.

Source: Dirk Libbey