Cheshire Cat Takes Over City Hall

Cheshire Cat Takes Over City Hall

In “Alice in Wonderland,” Alice encounters the Cheshire Cat at the most unusual times, often needing help or direction. The Cheshire Cat answers questions in peculiar ways and often his answers are fraught with vagueness and riddles.

This is exactly the inspiration artist Ashley Taylor found when creating today’s Disney Doodle, picturing the Cheshire Cat wanting to dispense advice at City Hall at Magic Kingdom Park.

“I have always loved the contradicting signs in ‘Alice in Wonderland’ and I thought it would be funny for the Cheshire Cat to give directions to unsuspecting guests!”

About The Author

Mickey News

Avid fan of Disney and especially Walt's original park, Disneyland! Love to share the passion with others and help bring a little magic into their lives.

Walt’s Quotes

“All the adversity I've had in my life, all my troubles and obstacles, have strengthened me… You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you.”
by Walt Disney

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