Dennis Quaid’s latest golf biopic, “The Long Game,” has surged into viewers’ hearts, becoming a massive success on Netflix. Released in April 2024, this touching film, starring Jay Hernandez, Jaina Lee Ortiz, and Julian Works, delves into the true story of the San Felipe Mustangs—Mexican-American teenagers who battled discrimination to rise as Texas state champions. Their journey of building their own golf course and breaking barriers in the sport is nothing short of inspirational. The movie’s picturesque cinematography and uplifting narrative perfectly capture the spirit of inclusion and progress in golf.

Yet, as “The Long Game” captures the limelight, it serves as a nostalgic reminder to revisit the 2005 gem, “The Greatest Game Ever Played,” starring Shia LaBeouf. This Disney classic narrates the real-life triumph of Francis Ouimet, an amateur golfer who defied his working-class origins to clinch the U.S. Open. LaBeouf’s portrayal of Ouimet, coupled with the charming dynamic with his 10-year-old caddy, Eddie, makes for a heartwarming tale of ambition and persistence against all odds.

Both “The Long Game” and “The Greatest Game Ever Played” are celebrated for their gripping underdog stories and emotional victories. While Dennis Quaid’s latest offering surpasses LaBeouf’s film on Rotten Tomatoes, with a higher audience and Tomatometer score, LaBeouf’s film holds a better rating on IMDb. This intriguing contrast in reviews highlights the subjective nature of movie preferences, inviting viewers to choose their favorite based on personal inspiration.

For those fascinated by tales of resilience and triumph, both films are must-watch experiences. “The Long Game” has earned its spot in the pantheon of sports biopics, while “The Greatest Game Ever Played” continues to enchant nearly two decades later. Each movie offers a unique perspective on the barriers and breakthroughs in the world of golf, making them perfect companions in a double feature.

So, what’s your take? Which of these uplifting golf stories resonates more with you? Share your thoughts in the comments below, and don’t forget to pass this article along to fellow movie buffs!

Source: Kyle McLeod