Hey Disney,

What’s going on with your choice of content lately? Your latest ventures into the DEADPOOL and WOLVERINE franchises seem to be veering into some rather mature territory. The blood, guts, and language in these films seem a far cry from the family-friendly reputation Disney has built over the decades. It’s enough to make even the most jaded Mickey Mouse fan cringe.

Remember when Bob Iger, Disney’s CEO, promised to keep Disney+ a haven for family content? That vision doesn’t seem to align with the current trajectory. After realizing some financial gains, it appears Disney has decided to embrace TV-MA content across its Marvel series and the inclusion of R-rated movies like DEADPOOL and WOLVERINE. This shift arguably contributed to a substantial $4 billion loss in streaming ventures. Yes, that’s billion with a B.

Critics, including our team here, have voiced concerns regarding these films. DEADPOOL, with its over-the-top violence and repeated crude humor, seems to lack the charm of Marvel’s other beloved characters. And while THE WOLVERINE attempts to delve into the deeper layers of its titular hero, it struggles with a mixed worldview and fails to create engaging, morally uplifting narratives. This isn’t the Disney that families turn to for wholesome entertainment.

Our argument isn’t just a financial one—it’s about the kind of emotional and psychological impact such content could have on its audience. Ted Baehr, our esteemed founder, has often spoken on this matter, likening certain violent content to the spectacles of ancient Rome, where wanton brutality was entertainment for the masses. The critical point remains: protect the hearts and minds of our younger viewers because once certain images and ideas take root, they can be hard to dislodge.

We’re speaking our minds and choosing where to spend our entertainment dollars. Perhaps it’s time Disney reconsiders its strategic pivot and returns to the family values that made it a trusted name in every household.

What are your thoughts on this shift? Share your comments below and let’s get the conversation going!

Source: Movieguide | The Family Guide to Movies & Entertainment