Walt Disney Animation Studios began its magical journey as the Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio in 1923. Over the decades, this studio has enchanted audiences with its vibrantly animated, heartwarming stories, releasing a total of 54 fully animated films.

Some of these films have become timeless classics, earning widespread praise and perfect scores from critics. But not all have reached such iconic heights. One of the more criticized films was 2003’s “Brother Bear,” garnering only a 37% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Critics like Nell Minow of Common Sense Media found it lacking in depth, appealing mainly to very young children.

Similarly, the 2005 release “Chicken Little” failed to captivate audiences and critics alike, managing only a 37% rating. Despite its attempt to modernize a folk tale with humor, Roger Moore of the Orlando Sentinel suggested Disney might benefit more from revisiting the magic of Pixar.

One of the more recent disappointments was “Wish,” released in 2023 to celebrate Disney’s 100th anniversary. Despite being filled with nostalgic Easter eggs, critics felt it lacked a compelling story and memorable characters, earning it a 48% score.

However, for every miss, there’s a spectacular hit in Disney’s catalog. Films like the timeless classic “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,” released in 1937, still hold a near-perfect 97% score. And who could forget “Cinderella,” the ultimate rags-to-riches story, which tops the list with an impressive 98% rating?

Disney’s journey through animation has been a roller coaster of creative highs and occasional lows, but the studio remains the gold standard in animated movies, continually offering magic to audiences of all ages.

What are your thoughts on the rankings? Do you have a favorite Disney animated film that should have been higher or lower? Share your thoughts in the comments below and join the conversation!

Source: Gabbi Shaw