Exciting news from the magical world of Disney! In a groundbreaking development, Disney and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis have finally reached an agreement, ending their prolonged dispute and paving the way for a spectacular expansion of Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando.

This resolution, approved by the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District—which was taken over by Governor DeSantis in 2022—secures a 15-year expansion plan for Disney World. This means Disney can develop the resort without further political interference, allowing for uninterrupted growth and innovation at the 25,000-acre destination.

Jeff Vahle, President of Disney World, expressed optimism about the agreement’s impact, stating it will “fuel the growth of this global destination, bolstering the Florida economy.” The ambitious expansion includes the potential to build a fifth theme park, three smaller parks, additional retail and office space, and an impressive 14,000 new hotel rooms, bringing the total number of rooms to nearly 54,000.

Disney has committed a staggering $17 billion towards this expansion over the next decade, which is projected to create 13,000 jobs. Notably, the agreement mandates Disney to invest at least $8 billion, focus on expanding affordable housing initiatives, and ensure at least 50% of its spending goes to Florida businesses under a “buy local initiative.”

Disney enthusiasts, what are your thoughts on this monumental agreement and the exciting plans for Disney World’s expansion? Share your thoughts in the comments below and spread the magic by sharing this story with fellow Disney fans!

For more details, check out the full article from The New York Times by [Brooks Barnes](https://www.nytimes.com/by/brooks-barnes).

Credit: [Todd Anderson for The New York Times](https://static01.nyt.com/images/2024/06/12/multimedia/12Disney-Florida-gmkp/12Disney-Florida-gmkp-articleLarge.jpg?quality=75&auto=webp&disable=upscale).