Author: Mickey News

Real Live Birds – Did You Know…

There are two sweet little birds… no they don’t belong to Cinderella’s entourage, nor Snow White’s tribe… they are actual real live birds… in the Adventureland Bazaar!! They are so cute … two sweet little yellow canaries!! ONE...

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Hanoi Hattie – Did You Know…

Did you know that in the 60’s the Jungle Cruise had a boat named Hanoi Hattie? The reason she is no longer named this is because it called the attention of the returning Viet Nam Veterans and they felt it was a bit inflammatory!...

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Walt’s Quotes

“We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths."”
by Walt Disney

This Day In History

1925 Alice's Tin Pony premiered
2001 Magical Memories Parade went down the Magic Kingdom's Main Street for the final time
2002 Spirited Away released