If you’re planning a trip to Disneyland soon, you might notice some significant changes to the park’s security measures, particularly around the popular Downtown Disney area. Yes, Disney has tightened the screws once more, and it’s creating ripples among the frequent visitors!

For the past few weeks, guests have been documenting multiple updates to the security around a well-known parking lot, further complicating the otherwise straightforward walking paths to Downtown Disney. The walking shortcut many visitors enjoyed has now been obstructed by metal gates and warning signs. This move seems to be intended to discourage foot traffic through the parking area, with some speculating that safety concerns prompted the shift.

In this maze of fresh restrictions, your three main parking options at Disneyland—Mickey & Friends, Pixar, and Toy Story lots—remain open, but the trek to the parks and Downtown Disney has become a bit more convoluted. This change has incited a wave of social media chatter, with some guests comparing the tightened security to scenes from “Les Misérables.”

While the reasons behind these enhanced security measures remain somewhat ambiguous, some guests have proposed sticking to the designated paths, arguing that the alternative route through the parking lot doesn’t save much time anyway.

Are these shifts improving safety, or are they just turning a convenient shortcut into a stressful detour? We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments! Have you experienced these new security changes first-hand? Share your experience and join the conversation.

Source: Inside the Magic