A heart-wrenching incident at Disneyland has surfaced, where a guest with terminal cancer was denied the Disney Disability Access Pass (DAS). This story, shared on TikTok by Jazzy, user lovelyjay.17, chronicles the difficult experience her family faced at the Disneyland Resort.

In a video, Jazzy explained the challenges her father endures due to his terminal cancer, which prevents him from sitting or standing for long periods without pain. Despite their need for special accommodations, the family’s request for a DAS was denied. According to Jazzy, a Cast Member informed them that the DAS was only available to guests with autism or similar developmental disabilities.

Jazzy described their interaction with the Cast Member as “rude,” noting that the worker walked away quickly after refusing to assist because they were recording. The only alternative offered was the “return-to-queue” option, where the disabled guest waits outside the ride while the rest of the party stands in line.

This incident highlights a broader controversy over changes to the DAS requirements, which were updated earlier this year. The updated guidelines restrict access to those with developmental disabilities who cannot wait in a conventional queue. Disney officials mentioned that these updates were a response to the overuse of DAS.

The community has rallied against these changes, with groups like DAS Defenders petitioning for a more inclusive policy. They’ve even organized visibility events and mobile billboards to raise awareness and push for fair treatment for all disabled guests.

The Disneyland guest’s story is a poignant reminder of the challenges faced by families with terminal illnesses and the need for compassionate accommodations in theme parks.

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Source: WDW News Today