When Disney releases a major movie, it typically means new meet-and-greets, parades, and even themed attractions in its parks. However, recently, Disney has found itself in the middle of some challenging scenarios, starting with the live-action remake of “The Little Mermaid.” Despite the hype, this film didn’t meet box office expectations, even with a huge marketing push. One major issue was that despite planning and casting for live-action Ariel meet-and-greets, the parks saw low engagement with the character. Even placing her meet-and-greet in a less-trafficked area of Hollywood Studios couldn’t save face.

And now, Disney might be headed for a similar conundrum with the upcoming live-action “Snow White” starring Rachel Zegler. This film has already sparked controversy and has been met with significant backlash online. Projections don’t look great, and Disney has to decide whether to include this character in their parks. If they do, they’re likely to cast Hispanic and Latina actresses to align with Zegler’s portrayal. Yet, empty meet-and-greet lines would be a PR nightmare, reminiscent of the Ariel debacle.

One possible solution could be to stick with the classic animated Snow White character appearances. But this could be seen as avoiding representation, adding another layer of potential controversy. Somehow, Disney must find a balance between honoring its tradition and adapting to current sensibilities without sidelining either aspect.

This entire scenario places Disney in a tough spot. Can they risk a non-reception if the film does poorly, or should they prepare as if it will be a success? Judging by the divisive reception of recent live-action adaptations, it may be wisest for Disney to not heavily promote the new Snow White in the parks at all. This cautious approach could help avoid pitfalls while still offering traditional Snow White experiences.

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Source: That Park Place