A sprinkle of magic and a bundle of joy were delivered to Hong Kong Children’s Hospital as a wonderful team of Disney VoluntEARS paid a heartfelt visit. The spirit of Disney truly soared to new heights with the iconic duo Mickey and Minnie spreading smiles and cheer to the young patients and the hardworking medical staff alike.

In an event that made an indelible mark, the Disney VoluntEARS conjured a day filled with laughter, happiness, and unforgettable memories. Among those who made the event extra special was Michael E. Moriarty, the managing director of Hong Kong Disneyland Resort. Moriarty didn’t just participate; he also shared touching moments from the day on his Instagram, giving Disney fans around the world a glimpse of this heartwarming day.

The images showcased the joy and excitement that rippled through the hospital’s halls. Children momentarily set aside their medical concerns as they were enchanted by their favorite Disney characters. The hospital staff also felt the uplifting magic, sharing in the joy and joining in the festivities. The entire event was a testament to the power of community and the magic of Disney in bringing people together.

The magnitude of this visit cannot be understated—it was the largest hospital visit by Disney VoluntEARS to date. It required a dedicated team effort to make it all come together, resulting in an extraordinary day that left both the participants and beneficiaries with lasting memories. Everyone involved agreed that it was a day not soon to be forgotten.

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Source: LaughingPlace.com