The “tale as old as time,” Disney’s “Beauty and the Beast,” is captivating audiences once again—but this time, it’s live on stage at the Cortland Repertory Theatre. For many of us who grew up on VHS tapes, the beloved story is as familiar as an old friend. Remember lines like “Marie, the baguettes! Hurry up!”? The nostalgic comfort of the plot, characters, and songs is undeniable. So, why venture into a theater to see a story you already know by heart? The magic of live theater could be the answer.

Cortland Repertory Theatre’s rendition of “Beauty and the Beast” transports its audience to a place where fantasy meets reality. With Molly Bremer as Belle and Eli Vanderkolk as Lumiere, the cast delivers an enchanting performance that breathes new life into the classic tale. The characters, whom we cherish and know so well, come to life right before our eyes, creating an atmosphere filled with wonder and joy. When you share the space and the air with these performers, it injects a sense of tangible magic and warmth that’s hard to replicate anywhere but in live theater.

Seeing this production offers more than just a trip down memory lane; it’s a reminder of the imaginative experiences we cherished as children. The theater invites us to suspend our disbelief and immerse ourselves in a world where enchanted castles and talking teapots are the norms. It’s a rare opportunity for adults to experience that childhood sense of wonder again, making it deeply comforting and satisfying.

What’s even more special is knowing that live theater creates a shared communal experience. Everyone in the audience contributes their energy to the magic of the evening, making each performance unique and irreplaceable. As you watch, you’ll likely find yourself rediscovering the innocence and excitement that Disney’s stories have always stirred within us.

Are you ready to feel this magic again? Don’t miss the chance to catch “Disney’s Beauty and the Beast” at Cortland Repertory Theatre, running now through August 17. Share your thoughts in the comments below, and let’s keep the conversation going! What are your favorite moments from “Beauty and the Beast”?

Source: Linda Lowen