Big news, Disney fans! Disneyland’s dedicated cast members have ratified new three-year contracts with Disney, promising substantial gains for the workforce that sprinkles magic into our visits.

One significant highlight of this development is the minimum wage base pay soaring to $24, along with wage increases and seniority perks. These new contracts don’t just stop there—they integrate a more flexible approach to sick leave and attendance policies, ensuring that each cast member is well-cared for.

Disneyland Workers Rising, the resilient force behind this movement, emphasized, “We have fought hard for the past four months.” Their relentless efforts culminated in a rally and Unfair Labor Practice vote, underscoring their unity and determination. “Our solidarity and victory today sends a message to workers everywhere – when we fight, we win.”

Representing around 14,000 cast members across the resort, from custodians and ride operators to candy makers and merchandise clerks, the Master Service Council stood united in their negotiations. Disneyland officials expressed gratitude, stating, “We are pleased that our cast members approved the new agreements, demonstrating our profound commitment to their overall well-being.”

Interestingly, this agreement came at a crucial time, as union members had recently authorized a strike vote and even held a protest outside the theme park. Had the strike proceeded, it would have marked the first walkout since 1984.

What do you think about these new changes? Share your thoughts in the comments below and engage with fellow Disney aficionados!

Source: Iman Palm