Exciting news out of the heart of Disneyland! After months of intense negotiations, Disneyland workers have voted to ratify new contracts that bring significant wage hikes and changes to sick leave policies. This vote marks the culmination of tireless efforts from a coalition of four unions representing 14,000 workers, ensuring that everyone from ride operators to candy makers and parking attendants receive well-deserved, improved benefits.

The new three-year contracts will see the minimum base wage jump to $24 an hour this year, a notable increase from the previous $19.90. The vote to ratify these contracts came after workers authorized a potential strike due to ongoing disputes over wages, sick leave, and other critical benefits. This hands-on approach at the bargaining table has borne fruit, bringing positive changes to the lives of those who add the unique touch of magic to Disneyland.

“For months, hardworking cast members have stood together at the bargaining table and in the parks to ensure Disney recognized what they bring to the theme park experience,” said a statement from the union coalition. “These contracts are a concrete and direct result of this tireless work.”

Disneyland, the second-most visited theme park in the world — right after Magic Kingdom at Disney World in Florida — has been home to over 35,000 employees, most of whom are represented by various labor unions. Responding to the successful vote, resort spokesperson Jessica Good expressed appreciation for the workers: “We are pleased that our cast members approved the new agreements, which, along with all we offer as part of our employment experience, demonstrates how much we value them and our profound commitment to their overall well-being.”

This new chapter for Disneyland employees highlights the power of collective action and the importance of fair negotiations. It’s a win not just for the workers but for the entire Disneyland family, ensuring that everyone working behind the scenes feels valued and supported.

What do you think about these new developments at Disneyland? Share your thoughts in the comments below and let us know how you feel about the new wage hikes and benefits. Don’t forget to share this story with your friends and fellow Disney fans!