Exciting news from the magical world of Disneyland! After months of diligent negotiations, Disneyland workers have overwhelmingly voted to ratify new contracts that herald a significant boost in wages and improvements to sick leave policies. This monumental vote marks the end of an intense negotiation period and brings much-awaited relief and joy to the dedicated cast members who work tirelessly to bring Disney magic to life.

From ride operators to candy makers and parking attendants, Disneyland’s diverse workforce united to push for fairer compensation. Thanks to the collective efforts of four unions representing 14,000 workers, the minimum base wage has been raised to $24 an hour, up from the previous $19.90. This three-year contract is a testament to the workers’ perseverance and the strength of their collective bargaining power. It’s a victory that underscores just how essential these cast members are to creating the enchanting experiences for which Disney parks are renowned.

“For months, hard-working cast members have stood together at the bargaining table and in the parks to ensure Disney recognized what they bring to the theme park experience,” the coalition said in a statement. “These contracts are a concrete and direct result of this tireless work.”

Disneyland, the second-most visited theme park in the world after Magic Kingdom, expressed its appreciation for its employees’ efforts. Jessica Good, a spokesperson for the resort, stated, “We are pleased that our cast members approved the new agreements, which, along with all we offer as part of our employment experience, demonstrate how much we value them and our profound commitment to their overall well-being.”

The magical kingdom wouldn’t be the same without its incredible cast members, whose hard work ensures every guest visit is a memorable adventure. Now, with these new contracts in place, the Disneyland team can enjoy improved benefits that reflect their invaluable contributions.

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Source: The Associated Press