In a major breakthrough that has Disney fans buzzing with excitement, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ appointees have given the green light to a significant development deal involving Walt Disney World. This momentous decision arrives after a protracted legal conflict between Disney and the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District, which came under state control following Disney’s opposition to a controversial 2022 state law. The unanimous approval from the board signals a promising future with an astounding $17 billion investment into Disney World, reviving dreams of a potential fifth major theme park.

At the heart of this 15-year development deal, the district has committed to making necessary infrastructure improvements while Disney will contribute up to 100 acres of its sprawling 24,000-acre property for these projects. In return, the agreement promises a surge in jobs, tourism, and awe-inspiring expansions, including the permission for an additional major park, two minor parks, a substantial increase in hotel rooms, and a significant boost in retail and restaurant spaces.

Brian Aungst, a member of the district board, couldn’t contain his optimism at the meeting, celebrating this agreement as a “day we all have been looking forward to.” His confidence is echoed by many who believe this collaboration will usher in a new era of magic and prosperity for Disney World and Central Florida.

Robert Earl, founder and CEO of Planet Hollywood International, Inc., praised the agreement, noting its significance in demonstrating a renewed cooperative spirit between Disney and the district. The excitement around this deal underscores the limitless potential and benefits it heralds for Florida’s tourism industry and economy.

However, not everything is wrapped up with a bow just yet. Pending is an appeal of a federal lawsuit Disney filed against DeSantis and his appointees, deferred while negotiating this development deal. The clock is ticking for Disney to decide its next steps, but the focus remains on the brighter future forged by this new agreement.

What do you think about this thrilling development at Walt Disney World? Let us know in the comments, and don’t forget to share this exciting update with your fellow Disney enthusiasts!

For the original detailed coverage, visit [ABC News](